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This Memorial heart quilt is made from your loved ones clothing. The background of the heart can be a dress, blouse, skirt or men's dress shirt.  The heart is from shirts, pants, dresses etc. Each heart is appliqued with an embroidered satin stich to keep it secure. We use 100% cotton fabric for the sashing frames around each block and we professionally quilt it on a computerized system. This makes it long lasting, durable and able to be washed and dried in your home machine. These are custom made just for you and the backing fabric can be a standard quilter's cotton, minky, snuggle fleece, cozy flannel.You can send your shirts to:


Sweet on Stitches 
2294 NW Padova St 
Port St Lucie, FL 
Be sure to include your contact information and any details you would like us to know.  We will contact you as soon as they arrive

Heart Applique Memorial Quilt

  • We consider your shirts the down payment for making your quilt.

    Once the quilt is complete we will send a picture of the quilt and payment is required before shipping to you.

  • There are no returns or refunds on custom quilts.  We take great care in communicating with you on all details of construction to be sure there are no surprises and your expectations are met.

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